Social Media for NPOs – a Practical Workshop
Following on Papillon’s popular introductory course on the importance of the use of the social media in fundraising, this practical workshop will assist delegates to define their audiences (generally donors but could also be volunteers, donors of items in kind or event supporters) and better focus their communications efforts.
Too often NPO staff members, when asked who they want to reach, respond, ‘Everyone’. It’s a noble goal but as most non-profits have shoe-string budgets and generally small teams, this answer is impractical. In the same way as marketers know that there is no ‘general public’, so too should NPO fundraisers and PR people define their target market. If you try to speak to everyone, you end up speaking to no one!
Topics covered include:
- Identifying a target audience
- Applying this knowledge to a social media ad campaign
- Creating a customised audience
- Reaching a defined social media audience