2020 Annual Fundraising Conferences

2020 Conference

The last in-person Annual Papillon Fundraising Conferences were held in 2020 – in Johannesburg and Cape Town

Regular presenters at Papillon conferences, Patrick Schofield and Catherine du Plooy from BackaBuddy, shared tips on maximising income from crowdfunding; Papillon founder, Jill Ritchie, gave an update on accessing money from UK donors – her speciality area; acclaimed monitoring and evaluation fundi, Laura Bergh from Poverty Stop Light, discussed why both qualitative and quantitative data is required to articulate and best demonstrate to support donor partners; a panel from three NPOs successfully generating/earn (not raising) money, Jane Mills from NOAH, Lloyd Willians from the Sozo Foundation and Bradley Jones from CAFDA shared tips in Cape Town and Alison Mc Vey from Johannesburg Children’s Home and charity shop specialist, Sue Matthew, shared their knowledge in Johannesburg; Dianne Richards, Old Mutual’s Monitoring and  Evaluation Manager, provided a few reality checks. Highlight of the Johannesburg event was London based global South African, Jeanette Kruger, founder of Zabra who surprised delegates by handing over 1100 items of ladies underwear to those representing NPOs serving women.

What Our Delegates Say